Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The What...

Once I decided to become a beekeeper, I began to look around on the internet to find out just what would be required. Many beekeeping sites sell full kits for the beginner beekeeper but I found that many of those kits included some "extras" that I likely would not use or would want a better quality of.

I did however find a "hive increase" kit from Betterbee that seemed to best fit my needs. This would give me all the hive boxes, frames, and foundation as well as a few other essential parts of the hive. This kit comes in an assembled as well as an unassembled version. I chose the unassembled version because it would allow me to become more familiar with the pieces of the hive and it also came with wooden frames rather than plastic.

The pieces that came with each of my two kits included 2 brood chambers also known as "deeps", 2 medium chambers known as "supers or honey supers", a wooden inner cover, polystyrene outer cover, reversible bottom board, along with 20 deep and 20 medium wooden frames with crimp-wired foundation. In addition to those items I also purchased a varroa screen, a slatted rack (for better ventilation), a queen excluder (to keep the queen from entering the honey supers) and hive-top feeders for both hives.

Here is a picture of how they all go together...

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